
Privacy policy

Soulmate Privacy Policy

Last Updated on May 21, 2023


Privacy Rights

Soulmate ("Us" or "We" or "Our") is committed to respecting the privacy rights of its users of its mobile application, as well as its related services.  We created this Privacy Policy to inform you and provide necessary disclosures regarding our collection and using of information when you use Our mobile application.  We collect and use some of your information, as described below, to provide Our mobile application and to measure and improve its over time.

Not Intended For Use By Children

Soulmate is not directed at children who are under eighteen (18) years of age and We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal or other information from such children.  If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact Us at

Information, Collected and Used by Soulmate

Soulmate receives, collects, stores and shares some of your personal information when you access, download and otherwise use Our mobile application.  The information collected, stored and shared can include User Data, Usage Data and Open Data.  When using Our mobile application, you consent to the collection, transfer, manipulation, storage, disclosure (as described below) and other uses of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.  Regardless of what country you reside in or provide information to Us from, you authorize Soulmate to use your information as described herein in all countries where Soulmate operates or is available.

"User Data" is non-public personal information about you.  This may include, but is not limited to, your email.  When you use Our application, you provide some of this information.  You may also provide Us with profile information to make public, such as avatar, nickname, gender, approximate age, language or other similar information to customize your account.  This additional information may be both public and non-public personal information.

"Usage Data" is non-personally identifiable information about your usage of Our mobile application.  Usage Data includes, but is not limited to, IP addresses, device identifier, date/time stamp, information about messages sent and received using Soulmate, type of device, any demographics information, any kind of telecommunications carrier information.

"Open Data" is data is Usage Data which may be made available to third parties.  Use Our mobile application constitutes an agreement between Soulmate and you that We may rent, sell or share this information on an ongoing basis.

Third-Party Sites

Soulmate may provide links and/or connections to third-party websites or services from within Our mobile application.  Soulmate is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites.  You fully acknowledge this is your responsibility to review and assess the privacy practices of these third-party sites and that Soulmate shall not be liable to you for your usage of those third-party services and disclaims all liability as set forth in its Terms and Conditions.

Modifying or Removal of Your Personal Information

If you wish to remove or modify certain personal information from Our database, or would like to access the information that was collected from you, you can contact Us using the contact information provided below, although you should be aware that (a) there will be a technical delay between your request and the effective removal of your User Data from Our database, (b) we may have to retain information for legal purposes as the case may be; and (c) certain of Our mobile application require the use of Usage Data and Open Data and such data is retained by Us and used as described in this Privacy Policy.  You can delete your account and uninstall the Soulmate application from your device.  If you need assistance please contact Us at

Security of Personal Information

Soulmate seeks to adopt commercially reasonable security measures consistent with the industry regarding the protection against the loss, misuse or alternation of non-public information that is under Our control.  Unfortunately, no security system, or system of transmitting data over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.  As such, you provide all such information at your own risk.

Changes to Soulmate's Privacy Policy

Soulmate reserves the right, at Our discretion, to change, update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time by posting such change, update or modification on the Soulmate website.

Any such change, update or modification will be effective immediately upon notice, which Soulmate may provide by any means, including, without limitation, posting on the Soulmate website or notifications within Soulmate application.

Your continued use of the Soulmate application following the posting of changes will mean you accept those changes.  Use of information that We gather is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use.

We can be contacted concerning this Privacy Policy by email at